September 25, 2023

My Very Own Zen Garden

These past couple of months have been unbelievably productive and positive, aaalmost in the entirety of said time.

But in terms of Esoteric Student there isn't a great deal I can post about on here…yet.

The past couple of weeks I have chilled and wound down. I have taken the time I need to sort out some medical and health challenges. I also have taken the time to not write, read, meditate or study in general, but instead concentrate on fixing my house up and unpacking. 

And I have been painting and sorting my garden out, as you can see in the images. 

My whole house will be amazing eventually. I began with the garden due to my Jack Russell dog was having issues with the large gravel. She has a bad back leg. 

I was told by a friend to "follow the bees". Thus I did oblige by starting at the fuchsia which was a valuable aid to the honey bees and bumblebees this season. It wasn't a good one for the bees this year, unfortunately.

My very own zen garden!

We all need a break, and we all differ as to what that break is. 

Some people go on a vacation, some go for long walks, others might go for a night out on the town, etc…

Personally, I go radio silent for a while online and try to give my mind as much of a rest as I can by limiting information onboarding so I can process the past couple, to a few months.

Painting my zen garden is really therapeutic. It isn't just any fence, it's my fence, my first own fence, in my first garden. :) 

I want to get the painting done before the winter, which is also the start of the interior of my home.

Once I am caught back up with my real-life self, I can then once again dive back into the depths of my studies feeling refreshed.

Until next time friends.